Pole Buzz @ Queen Bee's

WORKSHOP: Conquering the CLIMB! (BEGINNERS welcome)
with Suz

June 17 (Saturday)
at 12:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

QUEEN BEE'S Art & Cultural Center

In the world of pole dancing, the climb is EVERYTHING!  It's our primary way of getting "aerial" giving us more space off the ground to do all kinds of other maneuvers: from cool poses higher up giving them greater visibility, to combos and dynamic sequences of moves that capitalize on the height or use all the distance to execute, starting at the top of the pole down to the ground... and if any of that isn't motivating enough, it's a fabulous FULL-BODY workout in and of itself, literally from head to toes! 

That said, climbing is one of the 1st challenging tricks to learn in pole dance, and even harder to ensure proper (safe, efficient, aesthetically ideal) form from Day 1.  The end goal should be to climb in a way that keeps us on the pole long-term, as there is a common tendency for bad habits to take hold if not avoided or addressed early on, which threaten a dancer with damaged shoulders, elbows, necks, backs, etc... down the line. But this approach takes time and attention, which we can finally get in this dedicated 90 minute workshop taught by our incredibly smart and experienced guest instructor (and PFA Master Trainer), Suz Sweeney!  You're in great hands with this seasoned pro, who will take you through a thorough warm up and round of prep work to condition you for implementing all the technique in the various components of climbing.  Maybe the biggest takeaway Suz will leave you with is a solid understanding of the basic physics and use of leverage involved in this critical foundational tool to get your booty UP the pole in the MOST clean and smooth but LEAST exhausting way possible!  Let's get up there... and LOOK GOOD doing so!


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
