Pole Buzz @ Queen Bee's

🏈“SuperPole”👙Jam 👠 ~> play & perform!
with Ziyah

February 11 (Sunday)
at 3:30 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Here is Pole Buzz’s answer to “what are my plans for the Super Bowl?” 🤔🏟🤩
If you’re a little less interested in the actual American football game but as curious about Usher’s halftime show as we are (will he bestow some sexy pole dancing upon the eyes of world? Gotta watch and see!)… join us DURING the SuperBowl to practice & show off your high flying and low flowing pole skills. While Queen Bee’s streams the game in the front main room, we’ll have an *Open Pole* style (read: on your own to warm up and stretch adequately! No formal teaching…) jam in our studio space for just Pole Buzz peeps (*not* open to the general public). Then we’ll stop and watch the half time show, and FOLLOW with a mini-show of our own! 

Poles will be set up in the front room for pre-registered students (& instructors!) to perform on for each other and any outside QB friends that come hang out (NOTE: this part *is* open to the general public; food and drink will be available for purchase too).  There will be a shorter (8’) pole up on QB’s main stage, and a taller (12’) pole on the floor level (stair steps in between to connect them)…

 $15 ticket (non-refundable, NO exceptions) allows you to join the jam and have the option to perform too! (If you’d *JUST* like to perform please call/text 619.985.6970 to get on the list — there will be a $10 fee).  If you or other friends would like to just come chill at our venue to catch the game and/or Pole Buzz’s dancers during the 2nd half, all are more than welcome to join — click here to check out QB’s IG for more info on that.


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
