Pole Buzz @ Queen Bee's

World of Pole
with Lorena


June 17 (Wednesday)
at 5:15 pm (GMT-07:00)

Class length
45 minutes

ZOOM (pole NOT needed)

Hey Pole friends, let's “TALK SHOP!” These regular open discussion sessions are about ANYTHING AT ALL related to the wonderful world of pole!! Nothing but sitting around shooting the shit for a bit (which besides flying around, pole dancers also love to do!).  We will connect to chat live via Zoom until we can get back in the studio (and we'll probably still maintain the ability to join remotely), but even if you are cooking dinner or driving home with no wifi, know that this will be mostly auditory and minimal to no visual so you can just dial-in from your commute or turn your video option off on your computer, etc.  

Each session will be dedicated to a single topic that we'll try to announce in advance. Here are some coming up:
- poles ! how/where to buy, brands/finishes/options/etc...
- grip aids / skin prep
- pole his/herstory
- (cross-) training outside of pole
- pole goals / journey
- pole competitions
- pole clothes/brands/styles 
- same but JUST stilettos  
- pole heros/crushes/fan faves️ 
- open-ended FAQs


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
