Pole Buzz @ Queen Bee's

Wrist Conditioning
with Lorena


December 13 (Sunday)
at 10:30 am (GMT-08:00)

Class length
60 minutes

ZOOM (pole NOT needed)

… and a little TLC for fingers, hands and forearms too!  All literal "heavy lifters" in most of the fabulous pole magic we make, constant and unforgivably... But the wrists being the biggest joint sandwiched between all this action, take the biggest beating.  Often lacking strength or mobility, in this class we'll focus on fortifying the supporting muscles in this region of the body, from small to large, as well as giving the all-important nerves, tendons and ligaments a chance to move around in ways they don't frequently get to.  We do start with a hearty warm-up that gets the entire body moving and blood pumping head to toe, so plan on getting a more rigorous workout for about the first 10-15minutes.  Then we'll end with a little extra stretch to loosen up and relax the tension we tend to build up in our ever-busy and burdened hands and wrists.

All levels welcome and nothing required but your hands and attention!  

Suggested attire:  anything comfortable to do big movement for warm-up, preferably with a top that frees up elbows thru wrists.

Equipment:  Yoga mat is suggested (or any soft surface to sit on, with at least a little bit of cushion). Towel for sweat and some of the exercises.


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
